The New Year and The New KK

on Friday, February 06, 2009

OMG rewrite due to publish failed....ISH....
I forgotten wat i wrote....

oh ya...i said its time to update...

Current status >>

  1. wondering ghost...
  2. Defer at Utar broadcasting till April/May
  3. Looking for suitable venue for business and music production
  4. Starting own business, just met with Thomas ( intro by huey chee).
  5. Started to use FACEBOOK
  6. Playing online game like LUNA, Celestial and PErfect world...
  7. Still trying hard to cut down my weight...though it is not working
  8. Trying hard to get back to normal sleep..
  9. ETC...


  1. CNY gonna end...
  2. Enroll back vocal and keyboard in halo
  3. GOing back for taekwondo training..
  4. looking for suitable business partner ...
  5. Forming own sweet band and recruiting members...
  6. Starting japanese language learning..
  7. Might be learning something extra in ICOM..
  8. ETC........

Many things happen in between the last post and now...

Is time to figure things out....